Most wireless traffic—especially data traffic—originates indoors. Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) can add crucial in-building coverage and capacity, but ensuring quality of service requires rigorous testing of each operator’s network across multiple wireless technologies and bands. With conventional equipment, testing a multi-operator or neutral host DAS system may require multiple walks of a building at each phase of deployment.

PCTEL was hired to test a complex multi-operator DAS deployment in a two-million-square foot convention center. The DAS served five wireless operators using five different wireless technologies across multiple channels, for a total of 39 separate operator/technology/band combinations, each of which required a separate measurement. If the test equipment could not conduct all of these measurements at once, PCTEL would need to gain access to the building again and re-walk the building.

Read on to learn more about this project, its challenges, and how PCTEL’s solution may apply to your next in-building testing project.

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